Smart Layer Control Lines play a major role in traffic lightening. If in any of the lines relating to the route of the car for various reasons such as atmospheric, environmental, repair, crash, etc., traffic is slow or slow, it can be several meters earlier using lines control boards to inform other drivers of the alternative route. Thus preventing traffic becoming heavier.
Applications of control panels:
– Prevention of heavy traffic due to non-recoverable problems caused by unforeseen incidental incidents such as accidents, vehicle breakdowns, truck loads, or pre-planned permanent incidents such as maintenance operations, construction operations, or welfare services.
– Determine the alternate route due to environmental problems, issues caused by fog, floods and snow, as well as problems caused by special events, such as sports games, marches, parades, trips of officials and more.
– Control of lines at daily peak hours, which demand for freeway capacity is higher.
– Event management and route diversion
– Control at intersections
– Control of passing lines, ramps and streets
– Traffic control over toll lines. Lane control technology. Nobar industrial part of Iran.